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Miller Quoted in This Week: Dublin Story Titled “Dublin School District Seeks Traffic Solution After Restraining Order Near Emerald Campus”

Joe Miller, a partner in the Columbus office and chair of the firm’s litigation group, was quoted throughout a This Week: Dublin story about a temporary restraining order issued to stop trespassing from Dublin City School students, employees and buses onto a property adjacent to the district’s Emerald Campus. 

The story states:

“The restraining order was sought by 970 High Ridge Associates LLC, which owns an office building at 5165 Emerald Parkway, east of the Emerald Campus at 5175 Emerald Parkway.

The order prohibits the district’s employees, buses, students and visitors from trespassing on the 970 High Ridge property, said Joe Miller, a lawyer with Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP, the firm representing the property owner.”

The story also states:

“Miller said that traffic flow creates unsafe conditions for 970 High Ridge’s tenants, employees and guests. It also causes additional stress to the pavement in the lot.

The district agreed to abide with and not contest the temporary restraining order until the matter can be resolved or until 970 High Ridge decides to move forward with a court hearing, he said.

‘The trespass could not be disputed,’ Miller said.

When asked what 970 High Ridge was hoping to achieve with legal action -- only the restriction of traffic or for damages, compensation or court costs, too -- Miller answered: ‘970 High wants to ensure the continued safety of its tenants, their employees, and invitees. For the safety of all involved, the school district, its employees, and its students should respect private property rights and stop dangerously trespassing through its neighbor’s property.’”

To read the entire story, visit the This Week: Dublin website.

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